Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2312 - Year : 1999

Ship operation time extension (L.E.S Lire Extension Study)



The high investments required for specia1ised vessels such as LNG carriers or for offshore units lead the Owners to extent her life, often far more than 20 years. The present paper in tends to present the various phases of a Life Extension Study, necessary prior to the final decision. It includes inspection of technical documentation, extensive survey on board, condition assessment, structural integrity analysis, reliability and avai1abi1ity analysis.

The results for the targeted availabi1ity are given by recommendations : 1ist of repairs, refurbishment and/or replacements, adjusted maintenance policy, and items to be close1y followed up.

The clearly identified phases permit to validate at any time the continuation of the project. The scope of works involved for 5, 10 or even more years of extension is at the level of the target: to enhance the important value of assets represented by specialised vessels or offshore units.

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