Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2711 - Year : 2017

Performance and safety of ice strengthened ships and polar ship regulations

Robert BRIDGES, Kaj RISKA,, TOTAL S.A. – Service (Paris)

Philippe CAMBOS, Vincent VERMEL, Bureau Veritas Marine et Offshore (Paris)

Sea ice conditions present many engineering aspects to consider in the design of ships for navigation in Polar region. This article describes the current regulatory framework for ships operating in Polar Waters alongside those necessary for the safety performance and efficient navigation in ice. The regulatory framework is outlined including the International, National, and associated organisations rules and standards, such as the Polar Code developed by the International Maritime Organisation, Administration requirements for the Northern Sea Route, and also associated regions of cold weather, such as the Finnish Swedish Ice Class Rules for ice navigation in the Northern Baltic. Based on this framework, focus of the paper is made on the requirements for ice class rules and the structural strength design.

The paper explores the design point of these rules with emphasis on the ice actions and ice loading mechanisms. Elements how these relate to the vessels performance in ice are considered along with operational tools, such as the h-v curves. Elements of these are illustrated with an example case study vessel. Finally, an approach and recommendations for consideration in the future development of regulations for Polar shipping are presented.

This paper is written in English


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