Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2717 - Year : 2017

About the problem of the scantling of large "kites"

Antoine MAISON, Alain Nême, Jean-Baptiste Leroux, ENSTA Bretagne, FRE CNRS 3744, IRDL, (Brest-  France)

When it comes to dimensioning flying structures with large deformations due to their aerodynamic load, Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) is necessary, in order to assess how the deformations impact the aerodynamic load. The aim is to get displacement and stress fields as close to reality as possible during kite flight, on a Leading Edge Inflatable kite as used by beyond the sea®. This paper deals with a method using FSI, coupling a 3D lifting line method with the FEM solver, Abaqus™, in order to design such structures.

Knowing the initial geometry and the material distribution, the code predicts the loads distribution, and hence the deformation, induced by a certain wind case. The stress field gives precious information about whether a zone should be reinforced or lightened. The buckling conditions of the inflatable tubes are post-processed. This method also allows previewing the impact of the bridle configuration on the flying shape of the kite, as well as determining the tension in the bridles and the lines.


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