Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2299 - Year : 1998

The sea event

Georges TOURRET, l'administrateur en chef de première classe des affaires maritimes Georges TOURRET directeur du "Bureau Enquêtes-Accidents / mer" INSPECTION GÉNÉRALE DES SERVICES DES AFFAIRES MARITIMES -Ministère de l'équipement & des transports


With or without casualtie.\' or total fosses, maritime incident remain an event which it is difficult ta canceptualize and to analyze from a technical viewpoint, as weil as enrich with useful advice,

The present cantribution is meant to address this triple difficulty.

1*a not easily identifiable realit

2*a complex technical fancy con,ttruction,

3*a delicate symbolic interpretation ofrecommandations.

The accident investigation process is a challenge for the maritime warld from the viewpoint of civil and penaf law, as weil as from the moral side, It is especially true not anly for business executives, but for all prafessionals and technicians in charge of shipbuilding and maintenance, and more generally of all equipment suppliers

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