Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

Numéro : 2574 - Year : 2009

The nacre project: concept design for a ship operated in an environmentally-friendly way

Marc BOEUF, Commission navale du pôle mer Bretagne - DCNS Ingénierie


Symposium on the marine pollution regulations until 2012

The NACRE project (NAvire Conduit dans le Respect de l’Environnement - Ship operated in an environmentally-friendly way) began in January 2009. It will take place over 3 years. Its aim is to reach a zero reject ship.

The NACRE project is certified by the Brittany Maritime Cluster of Economic Competitiveness (Pôle de compétitivité Mer Bretagne). It gathers 11 partners belonging to two different worlds : industry (DCNS, VEOLIA, Bertin Technologies, Genavir, Louis Dreyfus Armateur, Service de Soutien à la Flotte) and research/academy (Institut Louis Pasteur, IFREMER, Ecole des Métiers de l’Environnement, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs d’Etudes et des Techniques d’Armements, Ecole Nationale de Marine Marchande).

The NACRE project aims to find solutions for making civilian and military ships, both existing and future, more environmentally friendly. To do this, the project will follow the lines below: to analyse and characterise the waste flow produced by ships, to study treatment capability, to propose innovative solutions to reduce environmental impact, to foresee the regulation improvement

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