Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2682 - Year : 2015

Articulated column concept as wind turbine offshore support

Olivier LANGEARD, DORIS Engineering – Paris (France)
Richard DAVIES, Marine Engineering Energy Solution Limited– Angleterre
Peter BROUGHTON, Marine Engineering Energy Solution Limited– Angleterre


At present, many offshore wind turbine farms are emerging worldwide. Indeed offshore location allows to benefit from more regular and powerful winds than ashore. However, depth limit for economically viable system remains around 40 meters. This excludes many sea areas that would offer good perspective due to sustained wind, but where depths are too high for a traditional fixed support.

DORIS Engineering and his British partner MEES (Marine Engineering Energy Solution Limited) worked on an articulated Wind Column concept that would operate new marine areas with water depths up to 150m. The floating column which supports the wind turbine is linked to a gravity base by an articulated joint. The system motions are limited to the tilt from vertical position. Design of the column shall limit tilt and acceleration of the turbine when operating.

Study case presented in this paper concerns the support of a high capacity three bladed turbine (8MW with a rotor diameter of 164m) located in the south of the Irish Sea by 90m depth.

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