Association Technique Maritime et Aéronautique

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Numéro : 2709 - Year : 2016

World largest FSRU classification

Philippe CAMBOS, Louis DIEBOLD, Pierre-Alain FREMONT, Thomas JOSSE,Saeed ALIBAKHSHI, Bureau Veritas (Paris - France)

Bureau Veritas has recently received a request for Classification of a Regasification Unit, also called “FSRU” (Floating Storage Regasification Unit) of a capacity of 263,000 cum. Before this order, the former world largest FSRU, confirmed also under Bureau Veritas Classification, had a capacity of 170,000 cum.

This capacity of 263,000 cum allows the unit, to receive the cargo from all the LNG Carriers in service, including from the largest which have the size of the QMAX (Qatar Max).

The paper is presenting a general overview of the independent analysis carried out by Bureau Veritas within the scope of the Classification of the Unit. These analyses include hydrodynamic, liquid motion, structural, fatigue and mooring analyses.


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